Before diving into the specifics of the chemical make-up of the bread and butter of Bob Moses Ceramic Coating, we must first acknowledge and break down individually the terms of “ceramics” and “coatings” and their different manufactured purposes. The technical definition of a ceramic is a material that is neither metallic nor organic. Ceramics typically have a chemical composition of reactive non-metals like carbon, oxygen, or nitrogen. These non-metals will react with other earthly elements like silicon and titanium to form a stable, temperature and chemically-resistant material.
Ceramics are manufactured for a wide array of products across tons of different industries because of the extreme versatility of the materials and their strong resistances to temperature, impact, and chemicals. You can find ceramics in the electronics in your phone to the solar panels on satellites to the fiber optics providing you home internet and much, much more.
A coating, of course, is a material that is thinly lined to the surface of an object to perform a certain task for that object. We see many different types of coating products all throughout our daily lives such as non-stick lining on cookware, magnetic metal coatings to create resistors in electrical circuits, and you even look at a coating every time you see your face in the mirror.
Now we put the two together. What is a ceramic coating and what is it made of? We take our ceramic material and blend it with another polymeric material that provides it with a property to coat the surface of an object. In almost all cases, the coating blend is manufactured, stored, and applied as a liquid. This is because a liquid is easiest to spread across a surface efficiently and evenly.
What is our auto ceramic coating made of and why were those materials chosen? Sensha 8-year coating is a chemical mixture of Silicon Dioxide (SiO2), Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), and a blend of storage compounds. SiO2 is our ceramic compound and PTFE is our coating compound and together they formulate Sensha’s proprietary and successful product that protects surfaces for many years with one application.
SiO2 is compound that is mined for across the world. It was chosen as the ceramic compound because of its extreme versatility and UV protection abilities. But SiO2 is used in so many products, what makes it so special in Sensha’s product? The answer to that question happens to be how it is manufactured and implemented into the chemical mixture. SiO2 can be manipulated and broken down into extremely small and workable nanoparticles. These nanoparticles when spread throughout a curing liquid system form a lattice like structure similar to that of carbon in diamonds. The reason why this is so important is because the lattice structure creates an impenetrable barrier that blocks UV light from entering the system and destroying the material it’s coated over.
PTFE is a long carbon-fluoro chain with hundreds of applications. As a coating compound it serves many purposes. PTFE is extremely hydrophobic, so it beads and shells water from its surface. PTFE has a non-stick surface and can be easily cleaned. The material also has an incredibly high resistance for both temperature and chemicals. This super versatile compound makes a great pair with the SiO2 in ceramic coating because it offers the benefits of ease of maintenance and enhanced longevity.
Can Ceramic Coatings for Cars Fix Paint Damage?
While ceramic coating can certainly give a paint job a shiny, wet look that protects a vehicle’s paint job for years, it isn’t magic. It cannot fix or hide damages in the paint. The only ways to fix paint damage are to either buff and polish the scratches or to have body and paint work done. Therefore, if you want the best-looking coating, make sure to have all body work performed prior to any ceramic coating service.
Ceramic coating does have an enhanced hardness thanks in part to its PTFE coating, but it will not stop damages from occurring. If something can scratch your paint, it still definitely will. That is why correct wash techniques and wash tools are so important. Why spend the money enhancing your vehicle’s look and then immediately destroy it yourself by not taking care of it properly.
Before you apply a ceramic coating product, you need to go over the entire surface of your car. Look for any dents, hard scratches and scuffs. Correct them or take the car to a body shop so they can correct the damage before you apply the ceramic coating.
Any minor imperfections including swirl marks, marring, small scratches and even small scuffs can possibly be removed with paint correction. Paint correction is the process of using cut and buff techniques to perfect the paint prior to coating.
Get a Ceramic Coating on Your Car Today!
Once your car is clean and free from scratches and swirl marks, the best way to keep it that way is to apply a ceramic coating. Let the pros at Bob Moses help you get your car’s showroom shine back! Contact us today to schedule your appointment or to learn more about ceramic coating for your car.